I’m afraid it’s typical of men in affairs to rewrite history to try and justify themselves.
Why Won’t My Husband Give Me Another Chance?
In a nutshell, he’s frightened. The hot and cold is because he’s alternating between fear and a bit of hope.
My Husband Will Not Stop Seeing His Mistress
A Reader Writes… I have read so many of your blogs and listen to your radio articles and a lot helps when I am in an anxious period but I think what I need to read next is your new book which is not yet ready. My husband and I are in crisis. The short […]
My Wife Has Checked Out Emotionally
A Reader Writes… My wife left me two months ago, she dropped the bombshell that she no longer had any feelings for me and moved to her mother’s while I was still reeling from the shock. I feel devastated and lost without her in my life, and what is worse is I could have prevented it […]
My Husband Puts Me Last and It Ruined Our Marriage
A Reader Writes… This is less of an ask, and more of an endorsement of your book I Love You but You Always Put Me Last, an extract of which I read in The Guardian. My husband’s mindset, as soon as we had children, was that they came first and I was therefore his third […]
Am I Normal? I’m Turned on and Devastated After My Husband’s Affair
A Reader Writes… My husband and I have been together for 9 years, married for 3 and have two children under the age of 5. We had been having problems but weren’t really addressing them properly even though we both said we wanted to save the marriage and are still very much in love. From […]