“I love you but I’m not in love with you” is one of the worst things that your partner can say but you can turn it into an opportunity to transform your relationship.
My Husband Says I’m Controlling Him
A Reader Writes… I love him and I know for a fact that he loves me too. But I think my husband has anger and inferiority problems but he doesn’t want to admit and get help. He gets angry about anything, no matter how small it is. He yells and doesn’t talk respectfully. He doesn’t approve […]
My Wife Says She Can’t Change Her Feelings
A Reader Writes… My wife and I have been together over 13 years and have just ‘celebrated’ our 9th wedding anniversary. My wife opened up a business in 2005, our 1st child was born in 2006 & second in 2009. She is strong willed with a wonderful, outgoing, positive, personality and these traits are really needed […]
I Can’t Say Anything to my Husband Without Him Getting Angry
A Reader Writes… My husband left me two weeks ago after 18 months of marriage and five years together. He is a manual worker and I am a graduate professional. We are quite imbalanced intellectually too. For the first three years we were besotted. It was the fairy tale romance. Against all odds we were blissfully […]