There is hope and a proven way to win her over—as long as you don’t panic and makes things worse.
Torn Between My Wife and Girlfriend
You love your wife and kids (but you’re not certain that you’re IN love) and you have a passionate connection with another woman. How do you make the right decision? Especially as someone is going to get hurt: your wife, your girlfriend and most probably yourself. I have thirty years experience helping men who arrive at […]
I’m Torn Between My Wife and Kids and My Girlfriend
When we’re in pain in our marriage, we want something, anything to make us feel better.
How Do I Forget That My Wife Slept With Another Man?
You are having those thoughts and feelings for a good reason.
My Wife Is Not over Her Affair
She is full of guilt and shame and that’s why she doesn’t want to talk to you.
My Wife Is Having an Affair Should I Tell His Wife?
A Reader Writes… If my wife is having an affair with another married man, who has children and they are conspiring an elaborate way to get out of his marriage and our marriage, leaving a wake of destruction behind, my question is: “should I tell HIS wife that he is having an affair with MY […]