You know what doesn’t work for getting your partner’s co-operation—now find out the simple strategies that will.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just ask nicely and your partner would go along with your request? Wouldn’t life be much simpler if the two of you could agree the best course of action and get on with it rather than be bogged down in arguments, stone-walling or procrastination.
If this sounds like an impossible dream, don’t worry because my seven-step programme will help you identify the sticking points, communicate better and change your relationship for the better.
It is not about manipulating or hoodwinking your partner, but putting your thoughts across effectively and ensuring your message is heard.
I also teach you how to read your partner better and build trust so that he or she is favourably disposed to your suggestions. In many ways the art of persuasion is as much about changing the way you come across as changing your partner.
One of the skills that I teach is Transactional Analysis or TA short and over and over again, clients find this is the key to unlock their communication and move towards Adult-to-Adult conversations.
In this book I devote almost a whole chapter to TA and there is a series of diagrams to help you from no longer talking at crossed purposes.
“Brilliant book, like all the books of Andrew G. Marshall. I have discovered his books by chance, they all made a difference in my life and helped me find a better understanding of myself, love and relationships; during the very difficult times of the separation from my husband, reading his books was like a true therapy and helped me move on.”
Amazon Customer
You can heal your relationship! Get out of the negative cycle, start to address forbidden topics and fall back in love again. My Best Relationship Tools is a new video-based course to watch on your own or with your partner.
With over 35 years helping couples and individuals make better relationships, I am the author of the international best-seller I Love You But I’m Not In Love With You and host the podcast The Meaningful Life. I lead a team of experienced therapists in the UK offering Relationship Counselling and have published a video-based course called My Best Relationship Tools.
© 2025 Andrew G. Marshall | Marshall Method Therapy Ltd is registered at Companies House 08871264 | Member of COSRT
As I cannot work with every couple who wants to see me, I have put my best techniques into a new video course. Understand why you are struggling to communicate – learn how to listen, build rapport and heal your relationship.