My Wife Doesn’t Love Me Any More: The Love Coach Guide to Winning Her Back

By Andrew G. Marshall

Why all your attempts to rescue your relationship are pushing her away and how to really connect again.

You’re confused, hurt and probably a bit angry.

The wife that you love dearly has told you she’s fallen out of love and instead of sorting out the problems, she’s telling you it’s too late, there’s no point and that you should split up. All your promises to change are falling on deaf ears and instead of making things better everything is getting worse. 

But don’t worry, I’ve counselled hundreds of men in your position and listened to even more women like your wife and I have a message of hope: you CAN save your marriage.

Why you need this book

If you’re being honest, you’ve sort of left the health of your relationship up to your wife and although she’s probably spoken up before you didn’t realise how serious things had gotten. 

Worse still, you’ve got nowhere to turn because if you’ve had an emotional dilemma before you’ve spoken to your wife; your mates are fine for a consolation drink (but they don’t really understand) and there’s very little advice targeted specifically at men in this field.

However, I have thirty years helping men and women understand each other and bridging the gap. As a man I understand where you’re coming from but I can also explain your wife and teach you how to unlock her feelings again.

Learn this vital information

  • Why women fall out of love
  • The five things you think will save your marriage but are putting another nail in the coffin
  • How to instantly improve the atmosphere in the home
  • Why most men give up too soon.
  • When to accept the inevitable and when to keep trying.

How does my programme work?

I will help you step into your wife’s shoes and see your relationship from her perspective. With this knowledge you can really get her attention, start to talk her language and soften her stance. 

I explain the five strategies that WILL win her round and how to stop pushing for reassurance and coming across as needy (which is a real switch off for most women).

Finally, if you suspect there is another man in the picture, I show how to evaluate if he’s a real threat and combat the poison he’s dripping into your marriage. Ultimately, I plan to keep you calm, focused and feeling human again.


“I think and feel that Andrew’s books get to the heart of the painful issues relationships in crisis face. His approach is full of grace and wisdom. He has an insightful approach to a situation that can leave you feeling hopeless. You can’t change your partner but you can learn and grow as a result of where you are.”

Amazon Customer

Book Details

  • Publisher: Marshall Method Publishing
  • Edition: UK and Commonwealth
  • Available in: Paperback, eBook
  • ISBN: 9780957429703
  • Published: December 6, 2012

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