Love is one of the most powerful forces in our lives—but how much do we REALLY know about it?
If you’re looking at this book something has gone wrong in your life. When a relationship is going well, the temptation is to take love for granted and not ask too many questions – for fear of somehow destroying the magic. No wonder, “what is love?” is today’s most-Googled question.
I have thirty years as a marital therapist dealing with this very question and have answers that will turn round your relationship, help you understand what went wrong or to find love.
I’ve gathered together fifty dilemmas about love from people just like you. In each one, I give a detailed answer and pull out something the illuminates what makes love tick. At the end of the book, I pull together the thoughts of scientists, philosophers and poets to help you understand love better and explain how to use that knowledge for a happier and more loving future.
It can be used for personal development and to check if you have swallowed whole some of the myths about love which are making love harder in the real world. However, I’ve had couples who have used the book to talk about their relationship together without going over the same old ground. They have taken one of the letters, read it aloud and then take turns to give advice.
Afterwards, they discuss their replies (especially what surprised them about each other’s thoughts) and read out my reply. In this way, they have taken a step back, talked about difficult topics but stopped everything from being too personal.
“If you want to understand more about how to have a good relationship, what went wrong with a past one or why you find it so difficult to form something lasting then this book will be incredibly helpful to you. Written by a renowned marital counsellor with over 20 years’ experience, it provides key insights into love and how relationships work. Using answers to the letters from his website as well as case studies, Andrew Marshall is able to give us invaluable pointers to a whole range of relationship issues and to other possible outcomes to a situation rather than the obvious ones of simply enduring something unhealthy or running away. It is a practical and thoughtful guide and I thoroughly recommend it.“
Amazon Customer
You can heal your relationship! Get out of the negative cycle, start to address forbidden topics and fall back in love again. My Best Relationship Tools is a new video-based course to watch on your own or with your partner.
With over 35 years helping couples and individuals make better relationships, I am the author of the international best-seller I Love You But I’m Not In Love With You and host the podcast The Meaningful Life. I lead a team of experienced therapists in the UK offering Relationship Counselling and have published a video-based course called My Best Relationship Tools.
© 2025 Andrew G. Marshall | Marshall Method Therapy Ltd is registered at Companies House 08871264 | Member of COSRT
As I cannot work with every couple who wants to see me, I have put my best techniques into a new video course. Understand why you are struggling to communicate – learn how to listen, build rapport and heal your relationship.