Heal and Move On: Seven Steps to Recovering From a Break-up

By Andrew G. Marshall

Finding it hard to let go or frightened of taking all the old problems into a new relationship? Diagnose what went wrong and go forward without the baggage.

Breaking up is hard and painful and that’s why the temptation is to get it over as quickly as possible.

But if you rush into the bright new tomorrow there is a danger that you could end up repeating all the old mistakes or worse –  still papering over the cracks and thinking you’re doing better, only to collapse at a later date.

Fortunately, there’s an alternative.

Why this book is different

It embraces the reality of most break-ups: there’s normally one person who wants to end and one who wants to keep working on the relationship. 

I call these the leavers and stickers and each chapter has exercises aimed at both types and a box summarising the step towards resolution.

Whichever position you’re currently in, you’ll find compassionate and helpful advice.

Learn this vital information

  • Knowing when to stop trying and accept the inevitable
  • Emotional first aid to maker it through the hard times
  • What helps and what hinders recovery
  • The importance of having a story explaining your break-up
  • Rediscovering yourself


“I bought this book after leaving a 18 month relationship and moving into my own place. That was just over a month ago – we had no contact and I found that helped me to heal and move on but if only I had read the entire book when I bought it I probably would not made the mistake I did which was due to loneliness and not being able to handle to healing process started contact and things did not go well and it is 200% true that it hits harder than before if you don’t take the time and truly allow yourself time despite the pain you be feeling. There is no quick fix. Brilliant book which really helps you understand.

Amazon Customer

Book Details

  • Publisher: Bloomsbury
  • Edition: UK & Commonwealth (minus Canada)
  • Available in: Paperback, eBook, Audio Book
  • ISBN: 9781408802601
  • Published: February 7, 2011

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