Have the Sex You Want: A Couple’s Guide to Getting Back the Spark

By Andrew G. Marshall

There’s a silent epidemic ruining long-term relationships: low-sex and no-sex partnerships.

Where does the lust and trust go? Why does it become harder to reveal yourself to your partner when you know so much about each other? Most love-term marriages settle into a sex routine that feels comfortable and familiar but it’s easy for that to slip into routine and boring.

When you have children and the serious business of raising a family, all the fun and spontaneity can drain out of your love-making too. But don’t worry, I’ve spent thirty year helping couple talk about and deal with just these problems and I promise it doesn’t have to be embarrassing or awkward.

What makes this book different?

My secret for fulfilling and plentiful sex is going to really surprise you. At the centre of my ten week proven plan is a paradox. The best way to improve sex is to put it off limits. It takes the pressure off, allows you to slow down and increases libido. 

I also stress the importance of scheduling intimate time which is normally hi-jacked by work, chores and children.

Learn these vital skills

  • Talk about sex with your partner without getting defensive
  • Make peace with your body
  • Harness your fantasies to feed intimacy
  • Challenge the ideas about sex which are holding you back

How does the programme work?

Over my ten-week programme, I strip your love-making back to the basics: sensual touching. In this way, you combat old habits that might be driving you apart and relearn the simple pleasures of holding and being hold. 

Each week, the tasks build slowly and gradually—and you can stay at a level until you’re ready to move on. All in all, they build to a new level of sexual intimacy which you’ve always wanted but feared was impossible.

How does this book fit with Make Love Like a Prairie Vole?

Make Love Like a Prairie Vole is the UK and Commonwealth version of Have the Sex You Want and contains the same programme (but presented in a different way).

Book Details

  • Publisher: Marshall Method Publishing
  • Edition: United States and Canada
  • Available in: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780957429796
  • Published: July 15, 2014

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