Relationship Advice

How To Keep The Spark Alive With Your Partner

Even if you have small kids...

You got together because you and your partner enjoyed having fun together but after having children it is easy to be overwhelmed with the serious business of bringing them up, running a house and paying the bills.

However, you can still be lovers even when you are parents. So if you want to protect your loving connection or get back the spark, here’s two simple ideas (and five suggestions on how to put them into practice).


Romance helps build sexual energy and the planning involved shows that your partner is on your mind – even when you’re apart.

So when one of you decides to initiate lovemaking, romance has already got the engine running rather than trying to start from cold.

Five top tips

  1. The power of romance is increased by novelty. So don’t do what you’ve always done but add an element of surprise.
  2. Add a new dimension to the ordinary: Take your partner out for breakfast, meet for lunch, leave a chocolate on your partner’s pillow, dress up and look nice even though you’re staying in.
  3. Bring back memories: Watch a romantic movie that you both enjoyed when first dating, look at your wedding photos or video together, put on a favourite song and dance in the living room. Go somewhere with special associations.
  4. Be sensual: Have a bath together, wash each other’s hair, give each other a massage, build a camp fire and stare into the flames, light a scented candle, read a poem out loud.
  5. Give small presents: Buy flowers, novelty gifts (like a cuddly alien toy), a piece of jewellery or music your know your partner will enjoy. Express gratitude for something that could easily be taken for granted.


Flirting gives your partner a bundle of sexual energy and seeing if he or she sends it back – hopefully with interest.

It says ‘I’m still attracted to you’, reveals something about your heart, builds romance and boosts your partner’s self-esteem. However, it is important to stress that flirting is playful and fun – rather than a demand for sex.

Five top tips

  1. The secret of flirting is to start small. Start at the non-sexual end with a complement and then move onto something a little more explicit and only later make sexually charged overtures.
  2. At a distance. Leave a sweet message somewhere only he or she will find it, send a saucy text, tell your partner what you’re going to do to him or her when he or she gets home
  3. Casual touch. Rub your leg against his or leg in a restaurant, gently touch your partner’s face, stroke your partner’s hair.
  4. Teasing. Play peek a boo (look from behind the menu in a restaurant and then hide your eyes). Show him that you’re wearing something naughty – like a garter – under your dress. Show her you’ve bought a small present but not let her open it until later. Tickle your partner.
  5. Kisses. Give an extra long kiss when your partner comes home, kiss with your eyes open, kiss him or her somewhere unexpected, vary your kisses (try lots of little butterfly kisses on the neck followed by blowing a raspberry on the stomach).

Three barriers to desire

Lots of couples have a guilty secret that they wouldn’t even tell their best friend, and certainly not discuss together.

This secret is that once a couple has the right number of children for their family, sex happens so sporadically it’s probably less than ten times a year – what sex therapists call a low-sex relationship. This applies to about one in five marriages.

Most couples blames circumstances – stress, tiredness etc – but these are excuses; often it’s down to their attitudes and behaviour:

1. Unrealistic expectations

We have all sorts of expectations about how sex should be. In most cases, these are so deeply ingrained that most of my clients don’t know they hold them. So I often get them to complete this sentence: ‘Sex should….’ The most common answer is ‘sex should happen naturally’ but when you have a family nothing happens spontaneously – not at least without a lot of groundwork first!

Other couples worry that ‘sex should always be special’ so hold back until everything is perfect, except that the perfect time never comes. And what they don’t realise is that a quickie can be just as much fun. Perhaps the most damaging expectation is that ‘a couple doesn’t need to have sex to have a good marriage’ – as this allows a low-sex relationship to drift into a no sex one.

Of course nobody should be pressured into having sex they don’t want but equally nobody should have to do without the sex they do want.

Turn it round: To keep a healthy and vibrant love life forget spontaneity, you need to plan ahead and make a sex date. Of course, if one of you is under the weather, you can have a reorganise but always agree a new date together and still use the time to do something nice together – like have a long hot bath.

2. Pestering

Alan Riley is professor of sexual health at the University of Lancashire and he tracked levels of desire in a large sample and plotted them on a graph from highest to lowest. The majority of us lie in the middle but Riley found that, in general, women tend to fall somewhere on the lower end and men, in general, on the higher end. Therefore a typical woman in a relationship with a typical man will want sex less often than he does. Unfortunately, in a bid to get the sex he wants this makes him likely to not only drop repeated hints, but make sarcastic comments or crude remarks – which is a huge turn off for his partner or leads to duty sex (which doesn’t really satisfy him and damages her libido). Worse still, his wife is also more likely to repel all touch – whether sexual or not – because she’s worried that it might lead to intercourse.

Turn it round: You can get round the ‘all or nothing’ trap by agreeing a cuddle can be just a cuddle – not an invitation to sex. Agree places where loving touch – stroking and massages – are just that (for example on the sofa). In this way, you can both relax and enjoy the moment – without worrying if you’re going to get lucky or feel pestered.

3. Resentment

Many desire problems have their origins outside the bedroom. If you’re the principal breadwinner, you can feel that your hard work isn’t properly appreciated. When it comes to running the house and organising childcare, it’s easy for the partner doing the lion’s share to feel unsupported. However, instead of rocking the boat, most people swallow their dissatisfaction or let it seep out with barbed comments – either way it leads the biggest turn off of all: resentment

Turn it round: If you can talk about issues, it not only resolves them but stop another layer of resentment being added. Try explaining your position using the formula: I feel…. (so your partner doesn’t imagine something worse) when you….. (so reassures your partner it doesn’t happen all the time) because… (so he or she doesn’t assume the wrong reason). For example, I feel annoyed when you check your phone in front of me because it makes me think you’d rather be somewhere else.

Five types of bridges to desire

Relying on the same old comfortable bridge will eventually turn even the most passionate lovemaking into functional but unappealing sex. How many more bridges could you add to your love life?

  1. Romantic: Dressing up and going out, dancing, satin sheets.
  2. Erotic: Watching yourself making love in a mirror, sharing saucy videos together, lingerie.
  3. Location: In the shower, four poster bed, cheap motel, blanket on the ground.
  4. Sensual: Massages, cuddling on the sofa semi-clothed, long lingering kisses.
  5. External: Sharing gourmet snacks in the bedroom, adult toys, fantasy.

Five top tips for communicating about sex

  1. Don’t talk about problems in the bedroom. An immediate post-mortem seems like a comment on performance rather than an invitation to find out what is wrong.
  2. Turn it into a positive. Tell your partner: ‘I love it when you’re gentle’, rather than, ‘Why do you have to be so rough?’
  3. Use touch as well as words. Guide their hands to where you like to be touched; telling can seem like an order rather than a request.
  4. Work as an intimate team. A turned on partner is the best aphrodisiac of all.
  5. Take responsibility for your own pleasure. Don’t expect your partner to second guess what turns you on, help them out. If you are unsure, experiment on your own.

What next?

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