My Partner Has No Time For Sex

There’s nothing worse than finding lovemaking is at the bottom of your partner’s list of priorities. It makes you feel undesirable, that your needs are not important and builds a wall between the two of you.

How to Argue Constructively

Arguing is extremely healthy in relationships, as long as you do it properly – by becoming good at rows your partnership can survive anything. Understand your fighting style and own up to your own bad arguing habits to transform your fights from negative to positive.

Are you in a Zombie Marriage?

It looks alive and well but for one, or maybe both partners, something has died. Just like zombies in the movies, these marriages can stagger on forever but they are also incredibly vulnerable.

How To Keep The Spark Alive With Your Partner

After having children it’s easy to be overwhelmed with the serious business of bringing them up, running a house and paying the bills. However, you can still be lovers even when you’re parents – here’s two simple ideas (and five suggestions on how to put them into practice).

My Husband Cheated and Had a Child

It’s hard to get over an affair, but what if your husband cheated and had a child? Moving on from infidelity is always painful and complicated, but if a child was born from the affair, there’s now a permanent reminder of your partner’s extreme betrayal of trust.

Forgetting Details of Affairs – Does It Matter?

Why do unfaithful men and women keep forgetting details of affairs? If you’re going to cheat on your wife or husband, you’d think you’d remember important details – so why does this happen, and how to move on?

My Husband is Angry With Me But He Had the Affair

Andrew G. Marshall My Husband is Angry With Me But He Had the Affair

You would think that after an affair was discovered, your husband or wife would do everything to make amends, not be angry with you. This is all too common, so – how to deal with an angry and dismissive partner?

My Best Relationship Tools

As I cannot work with every couple who wants to see me, I have put my best techniques into a new video course. Understand why you are struggling to communicate – learn how to listen, build rapport and heal your relationship.